# 1. 掌握燕窝的英语名称
- 燕窝:Bird's Nest
- 干燕窝:Dried Bird's Nest
- 即炖燕窝:Ready-to-cook Bird's Nest
- 即食燕窝:Ready-to-eat Bird's Nest
- 纯净燕窝:Pure Bird's Nest
# 2. 燕窝的产地
- :China
- 马来西亚:Malaysia
- 尼西亚:Indonesia
- 泰国:Thland
# 3. 燕窝的营养价值
- 蛋白质:Protein
- 氨基酸:Amino Acids
- 矿物质:Minerals
- 胶原蛋白:Collagen
- 唾液酸:Sialic Acid
# 1. 英文销售技巧
- 感谢客户:
- Thank you for coming today.
- We appreciate your interest in our products.
- 介绍燕窝的关键性:
- Selling bird's nest is a fascinating venture that combines tradition and culture.
- Bird's nest has been cherished for centuries due to its unique properties and cultural significance.
- 强调产品的特别卖点:
- Our ready-to-cook bird's nest is carefully prepared to retn all the nutritional benefits of traditional bird's nest without the hassle of long preparation time.
- Each piece of our ready-to-eat bird's nest is crafted with care to ensure you receive the purest form of this precious ingredient.
# 1. 感谢客户
- 中文:谢谢大家今天能来。
- 英文:Thank you for coming today.
# 2. 燕窝的简单介绍
- 中文:燕窝的简单介绍是用英文介绍的。即炖燕窝简单即炖,一片真情。
- 英文:Today, I would like to introduce you to our ready-to-cook bird's nest. It’s simple to prepare, yet filled with genuine care and tradition.
# 3. 即炖燕窝的特点
- 中文:即炖燕窝,天然滋补无需等候。减少的是工序味道不打折。燕窝滋补,即炖提速。
- 英文:Our ready-to-cook bird's nest is naturally nourishing and requires no wting. We have simplified the process while mntning the authentic taste and nutritional value of traditional bird's nest.
# 4. 即食燕窝的优势
- 中文:即食好燕窝,卫生真方便。
- 英文:Our ready-to-eat bird's nest is not only hygienic but also incredibly convenient for those who want to enjoy the health benefits of bird's nest without any hassle.
# 5. 燕窝的营养成分
- 中文:燕窝含有丰富的蛋白质、氨基酸、矿物质、胶原蛋白和唾液酸。
- 英文:Bird's nest is rich in protein, amino acids, minerals, collagen, and sialic acid, making it a highly nutritious food.
# 6. 燕窝的文化背景
- 中文:燕窝在有着悠久的历史,被视为滋补佳品。
- 英文:In China, bird's nest has a long history and is considered a premium tonic, valued for its numerous health benefits.
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- 燕窝介绍丨对比解析:即食燕窝与干燕窝的营养价值及使用差异
- 燕窝价格丨即食燕窝干燕窝含量与固体含量,多少较合适?
- 燕窝价格丨全面解析:即食干燕窝的食用方法与营养价值
- 吃燕窝丨如何制作即食干燕窝以达到美味效果?
- 天然燕窝丨天津燕窝专卖店地址 及场查询
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